
He said,"Wait a minute, boys, you know who I am?" "Of coursewe do, we know who you are!" Then theyblew off his head while he was still in the car Shot downlike a dog in broad daylight Was amatter of timing and the timing was right ...

别忘了,当年在当主持人时,特朗普的口头禅就是:You are fired! 说起来,蒂勒森你也是活该。要知道,当时他去非洲的主要任务,就是对中非关系各种指手画脚。但回国时差还没倒过来呢,就被特朗...

You are justfocused on being in the moment 只是专注于当下 That’s what mamba mentality truly is 这才是曼巴精神的真谛 What the mamba mentality colors 曼巴精神的不同颜色 is a good visual representation connect certain emotions 是对某种特定情绪很好的...

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